These underwear were photographed on Bloor Street, several addresses west of my apartment, and mere steps from P. Cheung's Coin Laundry: a find only slightly more enigmatic than a knock-knock joke.
The below was taken at Rotman's Hat Shop on Spadina by my friend Stephanie, and features me with alleged Toronto dignitary Don Francks, father of Freddie from A Different World and, as Google later informed us, the voice of Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget:

Dr. Claw!
I thought. Such an encounter suggested that my presence on this earth could be no fluke (so what if my fortune cookie had no fortune in it when I cracked it open?). Just like the table shuddering and crashing to its knees right in front of me at the Cut n' Paste Zine Fest that afternoon -- the first accident in twelve years, an organizer yelled out -- made me feel important somehow. But, ah! fickle Google: apparently Mr. Francks just did additional voices on scattered episodes of Gadget, and is in fact probably better known for his work on La Femme Nikita. Go go gadget misconception.
very unique and amusing site!! thanks for sharing
Lisa.....where you been all these years? Actually, I know exactly where you've been....I have been stalking you for some time now. Please be so kind as to return my unmentionables 'featured' on your blog.
hey lise, ask me to do my dr claw voice for you someday. it would be falsely modest of me not to say that i've got an uncanny talent for it.
Kees, I do believe we're doing time in the same city now. I wonder, is it big enough for both of us?
Mike, is your Dr. Claw anywhere in the range of your "I just want to ride my motorcycle"? Because if it is -- people, be warned. This is a thing to hear.
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