i wanna be found
'S'been a fortnight since my last post, and the reasons are both myriad and dull. For the sake of narrative, let's just say I was carried away by a horde of thick-ankled Portuguese women, wearing dark stockings and trailing clouds of heavy perfume, on their way home from church.
Today I am channelling the spirit of Found Magazine and throwing my own guidelines to the proverbial wind. All the photos below, minus Paul's contribution at the bottom (so, all two of 'em), were taken away from the place where I discovered them, so that I could get my zoom on without lying on my stomach in the hallway or on the ice. (This will all make sense momentarily.)
Okay, the first one: I found this note on the hallway floor at 401 Richmond. It wasn't from the studio where I work, but I understood it immediately. (I am a proofreader; that is what I do.)

Today I am channelling the spirit of Found Magazine and throwing my own guidelines to the proverbial wind. All the photos below, minus Paul's contribution at the bottom (so, all two of 'em), were taken away from the place where I discovered them, so that I could get my zoom on without lying on my stomach in the hallway or on the ice. (This will all make sense momentarily.)
Okay, the first one: I found this note on the hallway floor at 401 Richmond. It wasn't from the studio where I work, but I understood it immediately. (I am a proofreader; that is what I do.)

Far more fantastic than the above is the below, which I spotted while at the Harbourfront skating rink. It was lying face down, cut out with care from a larger photo, so it almost disappeared against the white of the ice. I photographed it against a piece of lined paper (meta-photo!), so you can get a sense of its dimensions.

And, last, one for the Paul Gallery: a not-quite-empty bottle of Crown Royal worthy of a post-Impressionist rendering:
Later, kids!
I found something once. I wish I had taken a picture of it. Then I would remember what it was.
Yes. Quite.
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