somebody put your boots back on
And so begins my effort to outpace the considerable backlog of lost-thing photies. The below was snapped by one Sarita B., my erstwhile housemate and partner in crime since our first year at McMaster U, on Queen Street East in our mutual city. (After responding to her fervent phone message just this evening, I learned that Sarita has recently spotted another errant object, this one wandering about the Eaton Centre: a stalkee from our depraved undergraduate days. If she manages to document him photographically, you can bet you'll be seeing him here.)

Somehow these boots remind me of the trenchcoats in doorways and blankets over sidewalk grates that I've been seeing but been careful not to photograph, belonging as they do (or so I suspect) to this city's homeless. To me, these look like an anonymous gift.
But now's the time for Smurfs to say good-night, and forget that they ever voluntarily clicked on a Yahoo link entitled "Angelina & Brad mulling Namibian baby name."

Somehow these boots remind me of the trenchcoats in doorways and blankets over sidewalk grates that I've been seeing but been careful not to photograph, belonging as they do (or so I suspect) to this city's homeless. To me, these look like an anonymous gift.
But now's the time for Smurfs to say good-night, and forget that they ever voluntarily clicked on a Yahoo link entitled "Angelina & Brad mulling Namibian baby name."
could it be one "merry man"?
Nooo... one "Slohawk," or "Slowie," as he came to be called. (Keep it on the downlow...) Though remind me to tell you about the other one.
Shhhh....Lisa, stop giving away all of our stalking secrets. Must I now reveal one of your stalkees? :)
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