he never made it as a puppet

The "sidewalk pants" as they appear in Ghost World, the movie. I tried to locate the actual panel where they appear in the comic book so that I could post that, but either I suck or the Internet does. (No betting.)
Anyway, all that is just preamble. I've recently been inundated with photos from Paul "I Never Met a Lou Barlow Song I Didn't Like" Q., all of them featuring wayward items he came across in Hamilton, Ontario. I'll be showcasing them periodically, and if they don't inspire y'all to do some street-scouring of your own, then this is not a world that I understand. Below is a fossilized sock, the last in a long line of lost-sock photos from Mr. Paul, and the first ever featured on this site. Hamilton is a gold mine for these babies.
Says Paul: "I wouldn't be sad if I never saw a lone, dirty, lost sock again in my life." I wouldn't get my hopes up -- the chances of that are about as slim as Scooby Doo and the gang apprehending a ghost who isn't a disgruntled villain in clever bedsheet costume.
News: This Friday, I attended the wedding of my good friend and emergent musician Matthew de Zoete (that's right, click on his name to view his admittedly still-growing website), again from Hamilton, whose CD release party I also recently attended. Hats off to the talented Matthew and his talented bride, Joanne! May The Kinks play loud and long in your new country home.
Oh, and --
I love Toronto. (That is, I love it as I love a Rothko painting -- I'm glad it's there, but it has yet to exert any emotional power over me. Hamilton, on the other hand -- Hamilton is van Gogh.)